Software development in rust in Austria

About me
My name is Lukas and I am the founder of my company typed;software
My passion is software development and I enjoy all areas of computer science.
Recently I decided to contribute to the field of digital typesetting in particular.
My background (in more detail on my private website):
Oct 2017 – Oct 2019 | company period 1: software development with python and Go |
Oct 2019 – Dec 2021 | unfinished PhD studies on post-quantum cryptography |
Jun 2022 – … | company period 2: digital typesetting with rust |
Most recently, I want to focus on my passion for digital typesetting. I write code so you can easily generate your books, articles, reports, and documentation as part of the typho project. But I also want to see progress across all tools in digital typesetting and thus I also maintain project arewedigitaltypesettingyet.com. My long-term goal is to modernize the field of digital typesetting,

I enjoy to discuss, teach and learn about new technologies and methodologies. I often participate in local meetups among programmers to discuss new approaches, ideas and challenges. And at my workplace, I develop hand-crafted software for my customers. To me, it is very important to not only define technicals details, but understand the actual business goal to meet.
My interests
I have interest in the following topics:
How can you reach me?
The easiest way is to send me an email to business@lukas-prokop.at. You can also ask me for my Austrian phone number by sending an informal request email.
My workplace is located in Graz, Austria:
Jakob-Redtenbacher-Gasse 26/6
8010 Graz
Austria / Österreich